Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Coming Home by Nobody

I wrote this a while back and just came across it in my folder.

Your voice, like honey, flows across the wires,
and my heart melts like butter on a hot griddle.
Your silver tongue weaves words into my very soul,
until you have woven them into the fabric of my life.
My life does not feel complete without you in it.

Days go by without the sound of your silken voice,
and, while I wait, I become wilted and start to wither,
until once again the silken flood of your words lift me.
Like a parched flower welcomes a summer rain,
your voice lifts my heart and blossoms in my soul.

Do you know what power your words had over me?
Do you know the potpourri of emotions they brought me ...
happiness, sometimes sorrow, but, most of all, joy.
The sound of your deep voice left me with longing ...
I ached to feel of your gentle arms surrounding me.

My body cries out to feel complete once again.
My nerve endings simmer with pools of liquid fire.
I yearn to feel the beat of your heart holding mine,
to feel your mustached, soft and gentle lips on my own,
and again find myself home in the circle of your arms.

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