Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Yesterday I finally got the results of my Upper GI (it took them long enough to call me back). I was told that I had a "thickening" in the "bed of my stomach". The nurse told me that the doctor wanted to do yet another test ... an EGD Scope. I said no.

Then she wanted me to at least have some blood work done ... according to her it would tell them if I had gastritis or not (I thought it was Crohn's or Colitis that they were trying to diagnose). I said I'd think about it.

I did think about it. I called the doctor's office back again first thing this morning. I told the nurse that I wasn't having another test. I think I caught her off guard, since I was so insistent and had done my homework first.

I also told her that all my symptoms point to Crohn's (fever, eye problems, pain on right side, arthritis) and not Colitis. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... guess what ... it's a duck!

The doctor's nurse finally agreed to talk to the doctor and call me back. It took her long enough, but she finally called me back around 5:00 this afternoon. She told me that the doctor had reviewed my records. She had recorded, after my colonoscopy, that I had Crohn's Disease.

I asked why the heck did they have me do the Upper GI when they already knew ... no answer to that one. I got sick from the Barium Sulfate for no good reason whatsoever. The nurse also said that I don't need the blood test or the EGD scope ... since they already HAVE a diagnosis.

I couldn't find anything on a "thickening bed" in the stomach online, so I questioned the nurse as to what it meant. I kept after her until she finally read what was written on the report. It seems that it means that either I have gastroenteritus OR it could be a reaction to medications ... guess which one I'm voting for.

Next I questioned the medication (Lialda). According to the medications' website, it is for Ulcerative Colitis (no mention of Crohn's). If anything, I've felt worse since I started taking it. I'm still not happy with her answer on THAT. She insisted that I continue until I see the doctor in two weeks. In the meantime, I'm to take a medication that may or may not help.

I don't remember the last time that I was so livid (a rarity for me). The doctor already has a diagnosis, but is scheduling me for all sorts of tests. If I hadn't put my foot down, there is no telling how many tests they would have put me through. Grrrrrrrr.

Add to that, I've got to call twice a day to see if I have to report for Jury Duty this week. Although I guess that could be worse, I could have actually been called (and had to constantly excuse myself for the bathroom).

If I didn't have IBD before, the past few weeks would insure that I would have it ... or an ulcer!

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