Saturday, September 1, 2007

Connected by Nobody

I wrote this one a while back. Now I wonder if it is true or was it a dream?

Do you ever stop and think of me for no reason at all?
Do you feel a ghostly hand caress you at any time of day?
Could it be that I touch you with my mind when I think of you,
like memories of you touch my heart in every way?

Does your chest ever hurt for no discernable reason?
Do you ever suddenly feel a pain deep in your heart?
Could it be that my deepest longings can touch you,
even though you and I are miles and miles apart?

Does a burst of laughter cause you to turn your head,
or perhaps a whimper of sound that seems out of place?
Could it be you hear my laughter and joy at memories,
or my moans of pain when I long to see your face.

No matter what I do each day, I always feel you close.
Your pain is my pain, in that connection that we share.
I suddenly stop and think of you, many times of day
and, because of that, no other man can compare.

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